Does Kombucha Help With Gas/Bloating?

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented drink which is steadily grown in popularity over the last few decades. Recently, it has begun to spread far and wide, gaining popularity through commercial and trading routes. This tasty and transformative brew was once relatively unknown and wasn’t commercially available for a long time. Now, it is available in markets and grocery stores and at many gas stations; even offices have started to keep it as a beverage option!

Kombucha contains probiotics, vitamins, vinegar, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and other valuable substances. It is also said to act as an antioxidant.

Does Kombucha Cause Bloating?

There are a few reasons why Kombucha may cause bloating and digestive distress. Anyone new to drinking Kombucha may have experienced these common side effects after having their first drink. However, these will lessen over time.


Kombucha is a carbonated drink; hence, it may lead to bloating and digestive distress to those not used to drinking carbonated beverages. Otherwise, Kombucha has been found to benefit digestive health with its multitude of probiotics.


Kombucha takes some getting used to. Someone who is not used to the intake of large quantities of probiotics may experience gut discomfort. Introducing these new, albeit beneficial, bacteria into your digestive system may upset your natural balance until your body gets used to regular Kombucha consumption. Keep in mind that the probiotics and beneficial bacteria produced during the fermentation process of Kombucha are extremely healthy in the long run. These probiotics cause discomfort only initially.


Kombucha contains compounds called FODMAPs, specific carbohydrates that can cause digestive distress in people with IBS and other gut allergies. The high sugar levels in Kombucha can also be a reason for bloating.  

NOTE: Drinking carbonated beverages deliver carbon dioxide (CO2) into the digestive system, which causes gas and bloating. But in Kombucha, the carbonation is through a natural fermentation process, unlike other beverages, which provide no benefits whatsoever.

Which Probiotic Is Best For Gas And Bloating?

Probiotics can be consumed through food intake or by taking a probiotic supplement. Most people are familiar with probiotic yogurt drinks, but these often contain lots of sugar. Fermented foods, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, Kombucha, kefir, plain yogurt, and miso, are considered excellent, low-sugar sources of probiotics.

At Boochsleeve, we recommend probiotic strains that have been well-researched as beneficial for the digestive system, including:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM
  • Bifidobacterium lactis HN0199
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum LP299v
  • Bifidobacterium infantis 3562411
  • Bacillus Coagulans 12
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCMI-385613

Kombucha and Bloating

Kombucha contains live bacteria, probiotics, and organic acids, which, if consumed regularly in moderation, may help aid in digestive issues such as excess gas and bloating.

Kombucha and Probiotics

Kombucha is a great and risk-free source of getting live bacteria and probiotics into your system in the safest way. Nothing beats the consumption of naturally brewed, probiotic-rich beverages and foods in their original form. From this stance, naturally-fermented Kombucha ranks on the top – to serve your body with essential, unprocessed probiotics.

Probiotics and Bloating

Probiotics are often referred to as your body’s ‘good bacteria,’ and they have a commensal relationship with their host – us! The most common probiotic species and the ones with the most research are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. Within these species, there are many strains with different modes of action. It is important to remember that different probiotic strains have other effects and must be chosen carefully for the desired effect and benefit.

Studies have shown that specific (not necessarily all) probiotic strains can help relieve symptoms of bloating. And while scientists aren’t exactly sure why these probiotics can effectively halt gas production, it’s becoming increasingly known and accepted that probiotics can help support a healthy microbial balance in the gut, in turn discouraging bloating.

NOTE: It may be helpful to get tested and determine which bacterium species your gut is lacking in to help you decide which probiotic is best for you.

What Can I Drink To Relieve Gas And Bloating?

Can Kombucha Help You Banish The Bloat?

Bloating is a prevalent and uncomfortable condition that often occurs after eating. In this condition, the stomach feels swollen and sore. Bloating is usually a sign of excess air, constipation, food intolerances, or digestive issues, but it can also signify a bacteria imbalance in the gut.

Certain types of bacteria can be highly beneficial and help promote a healthy microbial balance. According to Nutritional Therapist Hannah Braye, “One of the simplest ways to promote a healthy microbial balance is to take a daily live bacteria supplement and to regularly consume traditionally fermented foods”. We think fermented food and drink is a great place to start, and what better way to do that than sipping on flavorful Kombucha, expertly brewed at Boochsleeve.

Other Options May Include:

Ginger tea also has a pleasant and relaxing effect on your intestines, reducing inflammation in your colon, which helps the food you eat pass through your system more efficiently, and in turn, reduce the bloat and gas you experience. To get extra gut-boosting power, opt for a Ginger Kombucha, to extract the benefits of both ginger and Kombucha.

Green tea, iced or hot: you can try unsweetened green tea, which is proven to be a fantastic choice for our gastrointestinal systems.

Peppermint Tea: peppermint tea is a great option. It features natural muscle-relaxing properties so that it can aid all kinds of digestive issues.

Coconut water: you can use this water regularly because the potassium in it helps to regulate electrolyte levels and keeps fluid levels regular in our bodies, hence no gas or bloating.

Plain water: Hydration, hydration, hydration. Plain water is always the best bet. It seems counter-intuitive, but if you feel like you’re retaining water, you’ll want to drink more water and not less. People tend to think that when they are holding on to water, they should cut back drinking it, but that’s not the case.

Fennel, chamomile tea, and herbal teas like hibiscus tea, dandelion tea, and caraway teas are known to work wonders when your stomach needs de-bloating.

People have come forward with stories about the significant gut-health improvements they have noticed since introducing Kombucha into their diet.

What Is The Best Drink For Bloating?

First, try some herbal teas or a soothing beverage that may help reduce bloating. But the best option after a liberal intake of water would be to drink moderate amounts of Kombucha, as it provides many other benefits besides de-bloating.

Good-for-Gut Kombucha

The world is going back to the remedies of ancient times. Modern-day researches and developments are taking the world back to the old treatments with little to no side effects. According to Harvard Medical School, studies have suggested that probiotics reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 60%.

Kombucha and other fermented foods are full of antioxidants and probiotics that boost the health of intestinal cells, improve immune function, and aid in food digestion. That helps reduce inflammation and ward off common digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating.

TIP: If you’re opting for iced varieties, you’ll want to skip the straw — straw helps trap excess air when you swallow, which can become a cause for bloating.


In a nutshell, Kombucha aids brilliantly in getting rid of bloating and gas, provided the rest of your diet is healthy and not the cause of more gas and bloating. Furthermore, excess amounts of Kombucha, like everything else, will harm your gut health as it will cancel out the advantages.

There has been a lot of research regarding belly bloating, and most of the findings point towards the all-hailed probiotics. However, putting all your faith into one solution is an unwise decision. Conclusively, Kombucha in moderation can be the best option to treat gas and alleviate bloating safely and beneficially.

Contact us at Boochsleeve if you would like to learn more!


10 Potential Benefits of Kombucha


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